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September 2008 Current Events

Here are the key news events of the month organized into three categories: World News, U.S. News, and Business, Society, and Science News. World | Nation | Business/…

Celebrity Baby Names

The interesting, odd, and downright crazy names celebrities give their children compiled by Erin Teare Martin Visit the Interactive Baby Name Finder for more popular baby names.…

Timeline: Gays in Pop Culture

Here are some key breakthroughs for gays in television, film, media, and theater. by Jennie Wood Giant footage Rock Hudson Archive…

Pritzker Architecture Prize Recipients (table)

(Encyclopedia) Pritzker Architecture Prize Recipients Year Recipient(s) Nation 1979 Philip Johnson United States 1980 Luis Barragán Mexico 1981 James Stirling Great Britain 1982 Kevin Roche…

House of Representatives, 111th Congress

Below is the composition of the 111th Congress' House of Representatives, following the 2008 midterm elections. In the following lists, the numeral indicates the congressional district…

Scientists: Physical Sciences

  Notable Scientists: Physical Sciences Astronomers, astrophysicists, chemists, and physicists     Jump to a category: AstronomersAstrophysicistsChemistsPhysicists…

children's literature

(Encyclopedia) children's literature, writing whose primary audience is children. See also children's book illustration. The contributions and innovations of the 19th cent. continued into the 20th…

Members of Congress: New Jersey, Congress,

Biographies of U.S. representatives and senators from New Jersey Member Name Birth-Death ACKERMAN, Ernest Robinson 1863-1931 ADDONIZIO, Hugh Joseph 1914-1981 ADLER, John H. 1959-…