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Yiddish Glossary

From my bashert to my zaide by Erin Teare Related Links Judaism PrimerEncyclopedia: YiddishBranches of Judaism An amalgam of medieval German dialects, Yiddish was first used in the Jewish…

NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament 2002

March Madness 2002 A look into the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament Gerry Brown For college basketball fans, it's the greatest week of the year. The days of the week following what…

Movies and Film: Danish Directions

Danish DirectionsMovies and FilmScandinavian Film HistoryDanish DirectionsThe Networks of NorwaySwedish SweetnessIngmar Bergman and the Triumph of Scandinavian Cinema On September 17, 1904, the…

Theories of the Universe: Bohr's Atomic Theory

Bohr's Atomic TheoryTheories of the UniverseThat Old Quantum TheoryPlanck's ConstantPhotoelectric Effect Explained, the Quantum Strikes AgainBohr's Atomic Theory Neils Bohr is considered the…


    Related Links Notable Asian-American Poets and Writers Notable Irish Writers Notable Female Literary Figures Notable Hispanic-American Figures Notable African-American…

Timeline: Gays in Pop Culture

Here are some key breakthroughs for gays in television, film, media, and theater. by Jennie Wood Giant footage Rock Hudson Archive…

Showbiz Moms

When mom's a movie star, the kids are likely to follow by Christine Frantz, Elaine Rho and Jennie Wood Martin Scorsese Related Links Mother's DayYoung Adults Living at HomeChild Care…

Showbiz Moms

When mom's a movie star, the kids are likely to follow by Christine Frantz, Elaine Rho and Jennie Wood Martin Scorsese Related Links Mother's DayYoung Adults Living at HomeChild Care…

Olympic Interview: Peter Westbrook

Interview: Peter Westbrook A 20-year Olympian reflects on changes to the Games by John Gettings Olympic medallist Peter Westbrook (left) celebrates a winning match. (Source:Peter Westbrook)…