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Displaying 231 - 240

David, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) David, d. c.970 b.c., king of ancient Israel (c.1010–970 b.c.), successor of Saul. The Book of First Samuel introduces him as the youngest of eight sons who is anointed king by Samuel…

Day of the Dead

(Encyclopedia) Day of the Dead, Span. Día de los Muertos, annual festival in Mexico and other parts of Latin America, commonly on November 1st and 2d. Its ancient Mesoamerican roots now augmented by…

Alexander, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Alexander, in the Bible. 1 Kinsman of Annas. 2 Son of Simon of Cyrene, probably a Christian. 3 Heretic condemned by Paul. 4 Coppersmith who did Paul harm. 5 Jew who tried to speak…

Cincinnati, Society of the

(Encyclopedia) Cincinnati, Society of the [Lat. pl. of Cincinnatus], organization formed (1783) by officers of the Continental Army just before their disbanding after the American Revolution. The…

Chotts, Plateau of the

(Encyclopedia) Chotts, Plateau of theChotts, Plateau of theshŏts [key] [Arab.,=salt lake], plateau region of the Atlas Mts., alt. c.3,500 ft (1,070 m), N Algeria, N Africa. The plateau is c.125 mi (…

Christ of the Andes

(Encyclopedia) Christ of the Andes, statue of Jesus commemorating a series of peace and boundary treaties between Argentina and Chile. Dedicated Mar. 13, 1904, it stands in Uspallata Pass, high in…

Chub, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) ChubChubkŭb [key], in the Bible, an African people. This may be a textual error for Lub (i.e., Lubim).

Church of the Nazarene

(Encyclopedia) Church of the NazareneChurch of the Nazarenenăzˌərēnˈ [key], U.S. Protestant denomination established in 1908 through the union of the Church of the Nazarene, based in California; the…