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Displaying 411 - 420

Origin of Life: Early Earth Environment

Early Earth EnvironmentOrigin of LifeIntroductionSpontaneous GenerationEarly Earth Environment So if Pasteur is correct and life only comes from existing life, where and how did life begin? Many…


(Encyclopedia) diabetes or diabetes mellitusdiabetesməlīˈtəs [key], chronic disorder of glucose (sugar) metabolism caused by inadequate production or use of insulin, a hormone produced in specialized…

North West Company

(Encyclopedia) North West Company, fur-trading organization in North America in the late 18th and early 19th cent.; it was composed of Montreal trading firms and fur traders. After 1810 the rivalry…

G - J

Dan GableRoman GabrielEddie GaedelClarence (Big House) GainesAlonzo (Jake) GaitherCito GastonRulon GardnerJustin GatlinLou GehrigCharley GehringerBernie GeoffrionGeorge GervinA. Bartlett…

Sports Records

The oldest, the tallest, the fastest, and the longest by Mike Morrison and Chris Frantz Have you ever wondered who threw the fastest pitch in Major League Baseball history? Or who is the…

Members of Congress: Alabama, Congress,

Biographies of U.S. representatives and senators from Alabama Member Name Birth-Death ABERCROMBIE, James 1795-1861 ABERCROMBIE, John William 1866-1940 ADERHOLT, Robert 1965- …

America’s Most Literate Cities, 2004

This study attempts to capture one critical index of our nation’s social health—the literacy of its major cities (population of 250,000 and above). The study focuses on six…

Famous Firsts in Aviation

Cayley's Helicopter Wilbur and Orville Wright with their second powered machine. Source: Library…

Scientists: Applied Sciences and Technology

  Notable Scientists: Applied Sciences and Technology Agriculturalists, computer scientists, electrical engineers, engineers, and inventors     Related Links Computers and…

North Africa, campaigns in

(Encyclopedia) North Africa, campaigns in, series of military contests for control of North Africa during World War II. The desert war started in 1940 and for more than two years thereafter seesawed…