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Displaying 481 - 490

Judy Davis

actressBorn: 4/23/1955Birthplace: Perth, Australia A comic and dramatic actress, she won acclaim for her roles in Gillian Armstrong's My Brilliant Career (1979) and High Tide (1988) and in David…

Paul Jarrico

screenwriter, producerBorn: 1/12/1915Birthplace: Los Angeles One of the first in Hollywood to be subpoenaed by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), Paul Jarrico's early support of the…

Raymond Eugene (Gene) GREEN, Congress, TX (1947)

GREEN, Raymond Eugene (Gene), a Representative from Texas; born in Houston, Harris County, Tex., October 17, 1947; B.B.A., University of Houston, Houston, Tex., 1971; attended University of…

John R. CARTER, Congress, TX (1941)

CARTER, John R., a Representative from Texas; born in Houston, Harris County, Tex., on November 6, 1941; graduated from Bellaire High School, Houston, Tex., 1960; B.A., Texas Tech University, Lubock…

William REED, Congress, MA (1776-1837)

REED, William, a Representative from Massachusetts; born in Marblehead, Mass., June 6, 1776; received a limited education; engaged in mercantile pursuits; elected as a Federalist to the…

Emma Thompson

actress, screenwriterBorn: 4/15/1959Birthplace: London, England Academy Award-winning film and television actress and screenwriter known for her intelligence and lively wit. Her films include…

Bill Monroe

bluegrass musicianBorn: 9/13/1911Birthplace: Rosine, Kentucky The father of bluegrass, Monroe created the genre with his mandolin playing, high, lonesome tenor and nostalgic songs. Bluegrass was…

Margaret Truman Daniel Biography

U.S. president's daughter, author, and singerDied: January 29, 2008 (Chicago, Illinois) Best Known as: President Truman's daughter, best-selling author, and concert singer…

Left-Handed Presidents

The Question: I know President Clinton was left-handed, but what other presidents were left-handed? The Answer: Believe it or not, President…