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Garfield, Harry Augustus

(Encyclopedia) Garfield, Harry Augustus, 1863–1942, American educator, b. Hiram, Ohio, grad. Williams 1885, studied law at Columbia; son of President James A. Garfield. From 1888 to 1903 he practiced…

New, Harry Stewart

(Encyclopedia) New, Harry Stewart, 1858–1937, U.S. Postmaster General (1923–29) and politician, b. Indianapolis. He was long connected (1878–1903) with the Indianapolis Journal. New was an Indiana…

Lowie, Robert Harry

(Encyclopedia) Lowie, Robert Harry, or Robert Heinrich LowieRobert Heinrich Lowielōˈē [key], 1883–1957, American anthropologist, b. Vienna, grad. College of the City of New York, 1901, Ph.D. Columbia…

Markowitz, Harry Max

(Encyclopedia) Markowitz, Harry MaxMarkowitz, Harry Maxmärˈkəwĭtsˌ [key], 1927–, American economist, Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago, 1954. In the 1950s he developed a theory of “portfolio choice,” which…

Laidler, Harry Wellington

(Encyclopedia) Laidler, Harry WellingtonLaidler, Harry Wellingtonlādˈlər [key], 1884–1970, American economist and Socialist leader, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., grad. Wesleyan Univ., 1907, Brooklyn Law School…

Lauder, Sir Harry

(Encyclopedia) Lauder, Sir HarryLauder, Sir Harrylôˈdər [key], 1870–1950, Scottish baritone. His original name was MacLennan. Lauder was popular for his singing of ballads and comic songs, many of…

Widener, Harry Elkins

(Encyclopedia) Widener, Harry ElkinsWidener, Harry Elkinswīdˈnər [key], 1885–1912, American bibliophile, b. Philadelphia. He had the greatest Robert Louis Stevenson collection in existence. Widener…

Byrd, Harry Flood

(Encyclopedia) Byrd, Harry FloodByrd, Harry Floodbûrd [key], 1887–1966, U.S. senator from Virginia (1933–65), b. Martinsburg, W.Va.; brother of Richard E. Byrd. Educated at Shenandoah Academy in…

Callahan, Harry Morey

(Encyclopedia) Callahan, Harry Morey, 1912–99, American photographer, b. Detroit. Self-taught, he began taking pictures (1938) as a hobby and, inspired by the work of Ansel Adams, began to produce…