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Hall, Stuart Henry McPhail

(Encyclopedia) Hall, Stuart, 1932–2014, Jamaican-born British sociologist and cultural theorist, b. Kingston, Jamaica. Hall attended Jamaica College…

Haggard, Sir Henry Rider

(Encyclopedia) Haggard, Sir Henry Rider, 1856–1925, English novelist. From 1875 to 1881 he served in the government of South Africa, which was the scene of many of his highly popular romances. King…

Godwin-Austen, Henry Haversham

(Encyclopedia) Godwin-Austen, Henry HavershamGodwin-Austen, Henry Havershamhärˈshəm, hăvˈərshəm [key], 1834–1923, English topographer and geologist. An officer in the British army (1851–77), he was…

Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 1950–, American scholar and critic, b. Keyser, W.Va., B.A. Yale, 1973, Ph.D. Cambridge, 1979, where he studied with Wole Soyinka. Gates is an expert on African…

Jackson, Henry Martin “Scoop”

(Encyclopedia) Jackson, Henry Martin “Scoop,” 1912–83, American political leader, b. Everett, Wash. As a Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1941–53) and Senate (1953–83) he was a…

Darnley, Henry Stuart, Lord

(Encyclopedia) Darnley, Henry Stuart or Stewart, Lord, 1545–67, second husband of Mary Queen of Scots and father of James I of England (James VI of Scotland). His mother was Margaret Douglas, the…

Craig, Sir James Henry

(Encyclopedia) Craig, Sir James Henry, 1748–1812, British soldier, governor of Canada (1807–11), b. Gibraltar. He served in the British army from 1763, fighting in the American Revolution and later…