Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments Date of Information: 9/26/2022[source]
Pres. Sergio Mattarella Prime Min. Mario Draghi Under Sec. for the Presidency of the…
(Encyclopedia) Rio GrandeRio Granderēˈō grănd, rēˈō gränˈdē [key], river, c.1,885 mi (3,000 km) long, rising in SW Colo. in the San Juan Mts. and flowing south through the middle of N.Mex., past…
(Encyclopedia) otter, name for a number of aquatic, carnivorous mammals of the weasel family, found on all continents except Australia. The common river otters of Eurasia and the Americas are species…
by P. J. O’Rourke Related Links Commencement Speeches Percent Enrolled in School Mr. O'Rourke is a best-selling author and humorist. Change magazine reports on…
(Encyclopedia) Lewis and Clark expedition, 1803–6, U.S. expedition that explored the territory of the Louisiana Purchase and the country beyond as far as the Pacific Ocean.
The men were gathered…
(Encyclopedia) Dante AlighieriDante Alighieridănˈtē, Ital. dänˈtā älēgyĕˈrē [key], 1265–1321, Italian poet, b. Florence. Dante was the author of the Divine Comedy, one of the greatest of literary…
(Encyclopedia) Behring, Emil Adolph vonBehring, Emil Adolph vonāˈmēl äˈdōlf fən bârˈĭng [key], 1854–1917, German physician. He worked with Kitasato at Koch's laboratory in Berlin and from 1895 was…
(Encyclopedia) Neel, Alice, 1900–84, American painter, b. Merion Square, Pa., grad. Philadelphia School of Design for Women (1925). She worked (1933–43) for various Depression-era government arts…
(Encyclopedia) Beatles, The, English rock music group formed in the late 1950s and disbanded in 1970. The members were John (Winston) Lennon, 1940–80, guitar and harmonica; (James) Paul McCartney,…