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Interview: Edward Ball on Slaves in the Family

"It Cuts Both Ways"I'm sure that you've heard about the proof that Thomas Jefferson fathered children by his slave, Sally Hemings... Bebe Moore Campbell, the novelist, said in a commentary on…

Lighthouses: FAQ

Source: The United States Coast Guard Our first lighthouses were actually given to us by Nature. Sailors sometimes used landmarks such as glowing volcanoes to guide them. In the Ancient World,…

In a Nutshell: What Is String Theory?

When you hear string theory, you may think of really cool things like multiple dimensions … but what’s with the string part? And why is string theory so important? Well, if you ever wanted to figure…

Bill Gates

(William Henry Gates III)software industry pioneer, philanthropistBorn: 10/28/1955Birthplace: Seattle, Wash. After years of tinkering with computers, Gates dropped out of Harvard at age 19 to form…