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Grand Coulee Dam

(Encyclopedia) Grand Coulee Dam Grand Coulee Dam k&oomacr;ˈlē [key], 550 ft (168 m) high and 4,173 ft (1,272 m)…

Group of Seven

(Encyclopedia) Group of Seven (G7), international organization officially established in 1985 to facilitate economic and commercial cooperation among the world's largest industrial nations, including…

Draghi, Mario

(Encyclopedia) Draghi, Mario Draghi, Mario mäˈēō drägˈē [key], 1947–, Italian economist and government and…

computer terminal

(Encyclopedia) computer terminal, a device that enables a computer to receive or deliver data. Computer terminals vary greatly depending on the format of the data they handle. For example, a simple…

Schacht, Hjalmar Horace Greeley

(Encyclopedia) Schacht, Hjalmar Horace GreeleySchacht, Hjalmar Horace Greeleyyälˈmär shäkht [key], 1877–1970, German financier. He held executive positions in several major German banks before…

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

(Encyclopedia) Saint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Pierre and MiquelonsăN pyĕr, mēkəlôNˈ [key], French territorial collectivity (2015 est. pop. 6,000), 93 sq mi (241 sq km), consisting of nine small…

umbilical cord

(Encyclopedia) umbilical cordumbilical cordŭmbĭlˈĭkəl [key], cordlike structure about 22 in. (56 cm) long in the pregnant human female, extending from the abdominal wall of the fetus to the placenta…


(Encyclopedia) VaranasiVaranasivəränˈəsē [key], formerly BenaresVaranasibənäˈrĭz [key], city (1991 pop. 1,030,863), Uttar Pradesh state, N central India, on the Ganges River. Although a rail hub and…

News of the World: 1998

A Small Step for Middle East Peace... An October 1998 summit at Wye Mills, Md., generated the first real progress in the stymied Middle East peace talks in 19 months. With President Bill Clinton…

Financial Analyst

What is this job like? Financial analysts help people decide how to invest their money. They work for banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, and securities firms. They often meet with company…