Location: East AsiaSchool: Schools in Japan are very competitive, and the pressure to score well begins early. Even preschoolers may attend “cram schools” to prepare for exams.The Japanese school…
Continent: Southern AfricaSchool: Children ages 7 through 15 are required to attend school. Parents must pay fees for their children to attend school, even public schools. All students wear…
Selected records. Source: National Aeronautic AssociationGreat Circle Distance Without LandingInternational: 2,213.04 mi; 3,561.55 km.Robert G. Ferry (U.S.) in Hughes YOH-6A helicopter powered by…
Once in a while, someone has a great idea that becomes a fad, a product that is immensely popular for a short time. Some fads have gone on to be classics; others have just gone. Anyone can have an…
Most people think……Christopher Columbus discovered America. In fact, the Vikings, led by Leif Ericson, were the first Europeans to land on the coast of North America in the year 1000. Christopher…
Ever wondered what the story was behind these two famous party animals? The now-famous Democratic donkey was first associated with Democrat Andrew Jackson's 1828 presidential campaign. His…
Some sports depend on animals more than on people.Pigeon Racing This was once a popular sport in the U.S. Homing pigeons were transported to a designated place, then released to fly home. Several…
Continent: Southern AsiaClimate: Varies; northern areas have winter snow, while elsewhere it is generally hot. The rainy season begins in June and lasts four to seven months, depending on location.…
Continent: Western AfricaClimate: Hot—averaging around 90 degrees in much of the nation. Nigeria has two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. Each lasts about half the year.School: The…