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D - F

databaseA collection of similar information stored in a file, such as a database of addresses. This information may be created and stored in a database management system (DBMS). debugSlang. To find…

G - K

gigabyte (GB)1024 megabytes. Also called gig.glitchThe cause of an unexpected malfunction.GopherAn Internet search tool that allows users to access textual information through a series of menus, or…

Ten Great Girl Characters: Novels

Alice Alice, an impressionable Victorian girl of seven-and-a-half, falls down a rabbit hole into Wonderland, where she has many strange and curious adventures. Alice is one of the earliest classic…


Capital: Jefferson City State abbreviation/Postal code: Mo./MO Governor: Eric Greitens, R (to Jan. 2021) Lieut. Governor: Mike Parson, R (to Jan. 2021) Senators: Roy…

L - O

link See hyperlink. Linux A UNIX®-like, open-source operating system developed primarily by Linus Torvalds. Linux is free and runs on many platforms, including both PCs and Macintoshes. Linux is…

Origin of Athlete Nicknames

Do you have a nickname? How did you get it? Many athletes' nicknames have nothing to do with their sports. Nicolai “Old One Leg” Andrianov…


Capital: Springfield State abbreviation/Postal code: Ill./IL Governor: Bruce Rauner, R (to Jan. 2019) Lieut. Governor: Evelyn Sanguinetti, R (to Jan. 2019) Senators:…

Wedding Rituals

Most wedding traditions, like throwing rice and eating cake, started long ago. Here are some of the stories behind the rituals.Bridal dressWearing a new white dress to be used only for a wedding…

T – Z

telnetA way to communicate with a remote computer over a network.trackballtrackballInput device that controls the position of the cursor on the screen; the unit is mounted near the keyboard, and…

Atlanta, Ga.

Mayor: Kasim Reed (to Jan. 2018)2010 census population (rank): 420,003 (40); Male: 208,968 (49.8%); Female: 211,035 (50.2%); White: 161,115 (38.4%); Black: 226,894 (54.0%); American Indian and…