An illustrated guide to the first ladies of the United States
Please note: Martha Jefferson, Rachel Jackson, Hannah Hoes Van Buren, and Ellen Arthur all died before their husbands became president…
Below is the composition of the 111th Congress' House of Representatives, following the 2008 midterm elections. In the following lists, the numeral indicates the congressional district…
Below is the composition of the 111th Congress' House of Representatives, following the 2008 midterm elections. In the following lists, the numeral indicates the congressional district…
In the following lists, the numeral indicates the congressional district represented; AL is for representatives at large. All terms run from Jan. 2007 to Jan. 2009.
See also: Current and historical…
(Encyclopedia) poet laureatepoet laureatelôˈrēĭt [key], title conferred in Britain by the monarch on a poet whose duty it is to write commemorative odes and verse. It is an outgrowth of the medieval…
Jump to a category: Animals & PetsEntertainmentHarry PotterFoodU.S. & PoliticsOther Cool Stuff What’s your favorite part of summer vacation? What’s your favorite school snack? How…
How to Watch a Flick as If It Were a FilmMovies and FilmWhen Is a Movie a Film?Taking in a Movie vs. Watching a FilmHow to Watch a Flick as If It Were a Film "But why?" you're probably wondering…
The oldest, the tallest, the fastest, and the longest by Mike Morrison and Chris Frantz Have you ever wondered who threw the fastest pitch in Major League Baseball history? Or who is the…
(Encyclopedia) Rulers of the Byzantine Empire
Emperor (or Empress)
Dates of Reign
Constantine I (the Great)
Julian (the Apostate)