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Pascal, Blaise

(Encyclopedia) Pascal, BlaisePascal, Blaiseblĕz päskälˈ [key], 1623–62, French scientist and religious philosopher. Studying under the direction of his father, a civil servant, Pascal showed great…

Lloyd Augustus Hall

chemistBorn: 6/20/1894Birthplace: Elgin, Ill. Lloyd Augustus Hall's work in chemistry revolutionized the meatpacking industry. Before accepting a position as chief chemist and director of research…

Foursquare Gospel, International Church of the

(Encyclopedia) Foursquare Gospel, International Church of the, fundamentalist Christian Church and evangelistic missionary body organized in California by Aimee Semple McPherson and Minnie Kennedy in…

Jamaica Bay

(Encyclopedia) Jamaica Bay, c.20 sq mi (50 sq km), SW Long Island, SE N.Y., separated from the Atlantic Ocean by Rockaway Peninsula; the Rockaway Inlet links it to the sea. The shallow bay has many…


(Encyclopedia) Runnymede or RunnimedeRunnymederŭnˈĭmēd [key], meadow, in Egham, Surrey, S England, on the south bank of the Thames River, W of London. Either on this meadow or on nearby Charter…

Cavell, Edith

(Encyclopedia) Cavell, EdithCavell, Edithkăvˈəl [key], 1865–1915, English nurse. When World War I broke out, she was head of the nursing staff of the Berkendael Medical Institute in Brussels. In 1915…

Swanson, Gloria

(Encyclopedia) Swanson, Gloria, 1899–1983, American movie actress, b. Chicago. Swanson began her film career in 1913, displaying an elegant comedic style in a series of films for director Cecil B.…

Willard "Mitt" Romney (2008)

  Candidate for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination by Liz Olson Mitt Romney Related Links Mitt Romney’s campaign website Profile of Massachusetts Salt Lake City…