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Balen, Hendrik van

(Encyclopedia) Balen, Hendrik vanBalen, Hendrik vanhĕnˈdrĭk vän bäˈlən [key], 1575–1632, Flemish painter, b. Antwerp. Van Balen usually provided the figures for scenes in which another painter,…

Ostade, Adriaen van

(Encyclopedia) Ostade, Adriaen vanOstade, Adriaen vanäˈdrēän vän ôˈstädə [key], 1610–85, Dutch genre painter, b. Haarlem. Trained in the studio of Frans Hals, he was strongly influenced by his fellow…

Oldenbarneveldt, Johan van

(Encyclopedia) Oldenbarneveldt, Johan vanOldenbarneveldt, Johan vanyōhänˈ vän ôlˌdənbärˈnəvĕlt [key], 1547–1619, Dutch statesman. He aided William the Silent in the struggle for Dutch independence…

Oost, Jacob van

(Encyclopedia) Oost, Jacob vanOost, Jacob vanyäˈkōp vän ōst [key], the elder, 1601–71, Flemish portrait and religious painter, b. Bruges. He spent most of his life in Bruges, with the exception of…

Orley, Bernard van

(Encyclopedia) Orley, Bernard vanOrley, Bernard vanbĕrˈnärt vän ôrˈlī [key], or Barend van OrleyBarend van Orleybäˈrənt [key], c.1491–1542, Flemish painter. In 1515 he was settled in Brussels, where…

Van Allsburg, Chris

(Encyclopedia) Van Allsburg, Chris, 1949–, American writer and illustrator of children's books, b. East Grand Rapids, Mich., B.F.A. Univ. of Michigan, 1972, M.F.A. Rhode Island School of Design, 1975…

van Basten, Marco

(Encyclopedia) van Basten, Marco, 1964–, Dutch soccer player. A powerful striker/forward, he began his professional playing career at Ajax Amsterdam (1982–87), where he was a key factor in the team's…

Van Cortlandt, Jacobus

(Encyclopedia) Van Cortlandt, JacobusVan Cortlandt, Jacobusjəkōˈbəs văn kôrtˈlənd [key], 1658–1739, colonial American merchant, b. New Amsterdam (later New York City); brother of Stephen Van…