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2014 Pulitzer Prize Winners

Awards ranging from journalism to drama to music Related Links Joseph Pulitzer Biography Book, Magazine, and Newspaper Awards National…

Entertainment Bios — L

Alan LaddDiane LaddKarl LagerfeldChristine LahtiRicki LakeVeronica LakeHedy LamarrDorothy Lamour Burt LancasterMartin LandauAnn LandersJohn LandisMichael LandonBurton LaneNathan LaneRonnie Lanek.d…

Classical Mythology: The Cunning Rogue: Sisyphus

The Cunning Rogue: SisyphusClassical MythologyWhat the Hell? Adventures in the UnderworldHades Takes a Wife: PersephoneThe Cunning Rogue: SisyphusThe Not-So-Heavenly Host: TantalusUndying Love:…

1999 NBA Season Preview

 With Jordan out to pasture, the path is somewhat clearer for Malone and Stockton. And Scottie Pippen wasted no time in fleeing the Windy City — Houston gave him the best deal, and Pippen…

Children as Authors

Many children have written books that have been published. One of the first we know about is Francis Hawkins. In 1641, when he was 8 years old, he wrote a book of manners for children called Youth…

1996 Olympics: Rowing

(2000-meter course)Men Single Sculls: 1. Xeno Mueller, SWI (6:44.85); 2. Derek Porter, CAN (6:47.45); 3. Thomas Lange, GER (6:47.72). Lightweight Double Sculls: 1. Markus Gier & Michael Gier,…

Classical Mythology: A Lot of Bull

A Lot of BullClassical MythologyLucky in War, Unlucky in Love: TheseusRoad WarriorA Lot of BullKing Theseus Wants a WifeMidlife Crisis: The Abduction of Helen Having rid the isthmus and its…

2000 Olympics: Cycling

MEN Mountain Bike Cross Country (30.7 miles): 1. Miguel Martinez, FRA (2:09:03); 2. Filip Meirhaeghe, BEL (2:10:05); 3. Christoph Sauser, SWI (2:11:20). Road Individual Road Race (240 km): 1. Jan…