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Iran-contra affair

(Encyclopedia) Iran-contra affair, in U.S. history, secret arrangement in the 1980s to provide funds to the Nicaraguan contra rebels from profits gained by selling arms to Iran. The Iran-contra…

April 2005

WorldRuling Party Takes Elections in Zimbabwe (April 1): President Robert Mugabe's party, Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), dominates parliamentary elections, taking 55 out…

April 2007

Here are the key news events of the month organized into three categories: World News, U.S. News, and Business, Society, and Science News. World Ukrainian…

House of Representatives, 111th Congress

Below is the composition of the 111th Congress' House of Representatives, following the 2008 midterm elections. In the following lists, the numeral indicates the congressional district…

Southern Methodist University

(Encyclopedia) Southern Methodist University, at Dallas, Tex.; United Methodist; coeducational; chartered 1911. The school's facilities include laboratories for electron microscopy and stable…

Freedom of Information Act

(Encyclopedia) Freedom of Information Act (1966), law requiring that U.S. government agencies release their records to the public on request, unless the information sought falls into a category…

ghost town

(Encyclopedia) ghost town, term for any once flourishing American community that has been abandoned, generally for economic reasons. While most of the towns have little or no population, they often…

Barr, William Pelham

(Encyclopedia) Barr, William Pelham, 1950–, U.S. lawyer and government official, b. New York City, grad. Columbia (B.A. 1971, M.A. 1973). A conservative Republican noted for his expansive view of the…