(Encyclopedia) Chamisso, Adelbert von (Louis Charles Adelaide de Chamisso)Chamisso, Adelbert vonäˈdəlbĕrt fən shəmĭˈsō [key], 1781–1838, German poet and naturalist, b. Château de Boncourt, France. He…
(Encyclopedia) Clausewitz, Karl vonClausewitz, Karl vonkärl fən klouˈzəvĭts [key], 1780–1831, Prussian general and military strategist. Clausewitz was an original thinker most influenced by the…
(Encyclopedia) Falkenhayn, Erich vonFalkenhayn, Erich vonāˈrĭkh fən fälˈkənhīn [key], 1861–1922, German military officer. Minister of war from 1906 to 1915, he succeeded (1914) Moltke as chief of the…
(Encyclopedia) Feuerbach, Anselm vonFeuerbach, Anselm vonänˈzĕlm fən foiˈərbäkh [key], 1829–80, German painter. He studied in Germany, Paris, and Rome, spending much of his life in Italy. He sought…
(Encyclopedia) HrotswithHrotswithhrôtsvētˈ [key] or Roswitha von GandersheimHrotswithrôsvēˈtä fən gänˈdərs-hīm [key], 10th-century German dramatist, a nun. Of a noble Saxon family, Hrotswith was well…
(Encyclopedia) Hutten, Ulrich vonHutten, Ulrich von&oobreve;lˈrĭkh fən h&oobreve;tˈən [key], 1488–1523, German humanist and poet, partisan of the Reformation, an outstanding figure in German…
(Encyclopedia) Henselt, Adolf vonHenselt, Adolf vonäˈdôlf fən hĕnˈzəlt [key], 1814–89, German pianist and composer. One of the most brilliant performers of his time, he gave up his concert career in…
(Encyclopedia) Hartmann, Eduard vonHartmann, Eduard vonāˈd&oomacr;ärt fən härtˈmän [key], 1842–1906, German philosopher. His Philosophy of the Unconscious appeared in 1869 (tr., 3 vol., 1884; new…
(Encyclopedia) Hartmann von AueHartmann von Auehärtˈmän fən ouˈə [key], c.1170–c.1220, German poet whose name is also spelled von Ouwe. His chivalric romances Erec and Iwain are tales of Arthurian…
(Encyclopedia) Hildebrand, Adolf vonHildebrand, Adolf vonäˈdôlf fən hĭlˈdəbränt [key], 1847–1921, German sculptor and author. He studied in Munich and in Italy, where he spent 18 years. He is best…