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(Encyclopedia) AbdeelAbdeelăbˈdēĕl [key], in the Bible, father of the Shelemiah sent to arrest Baruch and Jeremiah.


(Encyclopedia) Fallingwater, Bear Run, Pa., house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Fallingwater (1936–39) is an architectural tour de force of Wright's organic philosophy, whereby a building should be…


(Encyclopedia) GemariahGemariahgĕmərīˈə [key], in the Bible. 1 Jewish noble favorable to Jeremiah and Baruch. 2 Envoy to Nebuchadnezzar.


(Encyclopedia) Magor-missabibMagor-missabibmāˈgôr-mĭsˈəbĭb [key], in the Bible, name given by Jeremiah to the man who put him in the stocks.


(Encyclopedia) JehucalJehucaljēˈhy&oomacr;kălˌ, jēhy&oomacr;ˈkəl [key], in the Bible, Zedekiah's messenger to Jeremiah. An alternate form is Jucal.

Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.

The Democratic president was re-elected in 2012 by Beth Rowen and Jennie Wood Barack Obama Related Links Barack Obama's campaign website Michelle…

Van Dine, S. S.

(Encyclopedia) Van Dine, S. S.: see Wright, Willard Huntington.

Badger, Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Badger, Joseph, 1708–65, American painter, b. Charlestown, Mass. By trade a glazier and house and sign painter, he turned his hand to portraiture. Generally uninspired, his work…


(Encyclopedia) Ebed-melechEbed-melechēbĕdˈ-mēlĕkˈ, ēˈbĕd-mēˈ– [key] [Heb.,=king's slave], in the Bible, King Zedekiah's Ethiopian eunuch, through whom Jeremiah was freed from prison. The name may be…


(Encyclopedia) ShaphanShaphanshāˈfăn [key], in the Bible. 1 Trusted secretary of King Josiah. He was the father of friends of Jeremiah and grandfather of Gedaliah. 2 Father of the idolatrous…