(Encyclopedia) Lakeland, resort city (1990 pop. 70,576), Polk co., central Fla., in the highland region; inc. 1885. It is an important processing and shipping center for a citrus-fruit and phosphate-…
(Encyclopedia) Waller, Fats, 1904–43, American jazz musician, singer, and composer, whose original name was Thomas Wright Waller, b. New York City. Waller began playing the piano as a child, and…
(Encyclopedia) Albany Regency, name given, after 1820, to the leaders of the first political machine, which was developed in New York state by Martin Van Buren. The name derived from the charge that…
Halprin, Lawrence
(Encyclopedia) Halprin, Lawrence, 1916-2009, American landscape architect and urban designer, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Cornell Univ (B.S., 1939), Univ. of…
(Encyclopedia) Barnburners, radical element of the Democratic party in New York state from 1842 to 1848, opposed to the conservative Hunkers. The name derives from the fabled Dutchman who burned his…
rock bandBorn: 1964 A Grammy Award-winning British band known for merging progressive, ambient and blues influences into futuristic rock. Pink Floyd recordings include the music industry's biggest-…
business executive, art collectorBorn: 1861Birthplace: Philadelphia, Pa. After studying in Zurich, he became a partner in the Swiss needlework importing business started by his father, Meyer…
Here are some important speeches that influenced the course of history. by Jennie Wood Related Links Top 100 American Speeches of the Twentieth CenturyNotable Speeches and Addresses by U.S.…
Guy Fawkes DayThe anniversary of the famous Gunpowder Plot
Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be…
Senate Years of Service: 1855-1855; 1855-1857; 1857-1873 Party: Free Soil; American (Know-Nothing); Opposition; Republican WILSON, Henry, a Senator from Massachusetts and a Vice President of…