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The Year in Movies

Independents' Daze Though respectably reviewed, Winfrey's cinematic endeavors were anything but Beloved by theatergoers. Speaking of talk show audiences, that substantial demographic didn't help…

Edison, Thomas Alva

(Encyclopedia) Edison, Thomas Alva, 1847–1931, American inventor, b. Milan, Ohio. A genius in the practical application of scientific principles, Edison was one of the greatest and most productive…

Stoppard, Tom

(Encyclopedia) Stoppard, Tom, 1937–, English playwright, b. Zlín, Czechoslovakia (now in the Czech Republic), as Tomas Straussler. During his childhood he and his family moved to Singapore, later (…

National Poetry Month

Featured Biography Marianne Moore American poet Notable Poets » Akhmatova - ByronCatullus - DunbarEliot - HughesJarrell - MillayNeruda - RumiSandburg - TennysonValéry - Yeats…

Paul Howard DOUGLAS, Congress, IL (1892-1976)

Senate Years of Service: 1949-1967Party: DemocratDOUGLAS, Paul Howard, (husband of Emily Taft Douglas), a Senator from Illinois; born in Salem, Essex County, Mass., March 26, 1892; attended…

Valentine's Day

History History of Valentine's Day Pagan festivals, Christian saints, Chaucer's love birds, and the Greeting Card Association of America Valentine's Day by the Numbers Statistics from the U.…