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Barth, Karl

(Encyclopedia) Barth, KarlBarth, Karlbärt [key], 1886–1968, Swiss Protestant theologian, one of the leading thinkers of 20th-century Protestantism. He helped to found the Confessing Church and his…

Pratt, Parley Parker

(Encyclopedia) Pratt, Parley Parker, 1807–57, Mormon apostle, b. Otsego co., N.Y.; brother of Orson Pratt. He joined (1830) the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was made an apostle in…


(Encyclopedia) Sacré-CœurSacré-Cœursäkrā-körˈ [key], basilica in Paris, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is a famous landmark atop the Montmartre, from which it dominates the city. Built (…


(Encyclopedia) SalomeSalomesəlōˈmē [key], in the New Testament. 1 Daughter of Herod Philip and Herodias. She is generally supposed to be the daughter who danced to obtain the head of John the Baptist…

Arrabal, Fernando

(Encyclopedia) Arrabal, FernandoArrabal, Fernandofārnänˈdō äräbälˈ [key], 1932–, French playwright, b. Melilla, Morocco. He studied law in Madrid before moving to Paris in 1954. His plays, which…


(Encyclopedia) purification, in religion, the ceremonial removal of what the religion deems unclean. The usual agents of purification are water (as in baptism), bodily alteration (as in circumcision…

Inge, William Ralph

(Encyclopedia) Inge, William RalphInge, William Ralphĭng [key], 1860–1954, Anglican prelate and author. He was fellow of King's College, Cambridge (1886–88), fellow and tutor of Hertford College,…


(Encyclopedia) Judaea or JudeaJudeaboth: j&oomacr;dēˈə [key] [Lat. from Judah], region, Greco-Roman name for S Palestine. It varied in size in different periods. In the time of Jesus it was both…

Palm Sunday

(Encyclopedia) Palm Sunday, in the Christian calendar, the Sunday before Easter, sixth and last Sunday in Lent, and the first day of Holy Week. It recalls the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem riding…