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Rochester, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) RochesterRochesterrŏchˈĕstər, –ĭstər [key]. 1 City (1990 pop. 70,745), seat of Olmsted co., SE Minn.; inc. 1858. It is a farm trade center, and its industries include printing and…

Benson, Ezra Taft

(Encyclopedia) Benson, Ezra Taft, 1899–1994, U.S. secretary of agriculture (1953–61), b. Whitney, Idaho. An extension economist and marketing specialist at the Univ. of Idaho (1930–38) and executive…


(Encyclopedia) pilgrim, one who travels to a shrine or other sacred place out of religious motives. Pilgrimages are a feature of many religions and cultures. Examples in ancient Greece were the…

Holy Spirit

(Encyclopedia) Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost [ghost, i.e., spirit, a translation of Gr. pneuma=breath, air], in Christian doctrine, the third person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is sometimes defined…

Johnson, Denis

(Encyclopedia) Johnson, Denis, 1949–2017, American writer, b. Munich, Germany, where his father was a diplomat; B.A. Univ. of Iowa, 1971, M.F.A. Iowa Writers' Workshop, 1974. Years of drinking and…

Nag Hammadi

(Encyclopedia) Nag HammadiNag Hammadinäg häˈmädi [key], a town in Egypt near the ancient town of Chenoboskion, where, in 1945, a large cache of gnostic texts in the Coptic language was discovered.…

apostolic succession

(Encyclopedia) apostolic succession, in Christian theology, the doctrine asserting that the chosen successors of the apostles enjoyed through God's grace the same authority, power, and responsibility…

Bultmann, Rudolf Karl

(Encyclopedia) Bultmann, Rudolf KarlBultmann, Rudolf Karlb&oobreve;ltˈmän [key], 1884–1976, German existentialist theologian, educated at the universities of Tübingen, Berlin, and Marburg. He…

Arran, earls of

(Encyclopedia) Arran, earls of. Use Hamilton, James, or Stuart, James.