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Rosalynn Smith Carter

First LadyBorn: 8/18/1927Birthplace: Plains, Georgia Rosalynn Smith Carter has long championed the rights of women, children, and the mentally ill. As first lady, she served as honorary chair of…

Brockman (Brock) ADAMS, Congress, WA (1927-2004)

Senate Years of Service: 1987-1993Party: DemocratADAMS, Brockman (Brock), a Representative and a Senator from Washington; born in Atlanta, Ga., on January 13, 1927; attended the public schools…


(Encyclopedia) demographydemographydĭmŏgˈrəfē [key], science of human population. Demography represents a fundamental approach to the understanding of human society. Its primary tasks are to…

Hampton Roads Peace Conference

(Encyclopedia) Hampton Roads Peace Conference, meeting held on Feb. 3, 1865, on board the Union transport River Queen in Hampton Roads, Va., with the object of ending the Civil War. President Lincoln…

Glyndebourne Festival

(Encyclopedia) Glyndebourne FestivalGlyndebourne Festivalglīnˈdəbərn, glīnˈbôrn [key], opera festival given each summer since 1934 on the estate of John Christie at Glyndebourne, near Lewes, Sussex,…

Foppa, Vincenzo

(Encyclopedia) Foppa, VincenzoFoppa, Vincenzovēnchĕnˈtsō fôpˈpä [key], c.1427–c.1515, Italian painter. Giving new life to the art of the Lombard school, he exercised a great influence upon northern…

Brown, Joseph Emerson

(Encyclopedia) Brown, Joseph Emerson, 1821–94, U.S. public official, b. Pickens District, S.C. As governor of Georgia during the Civil War, Brown quarreled with Jefferson Davis over conscription and…

Sandys, George

(Encyclopedia) Sandys, George, 1578–1644, English poet and traveler, b. Yorkshire, son of Archbishop Edwin Sandys. He was educated at Oxford and in 1610 began an extended tour of Europe and the…

Jarrett, Keith

(Encyclopedia) Jarrett, Keith , 1945- , American jazz pianist and composer, b. Allentown, Pa. A child prodigy on the piano, Jarrett was exposed to…

Bahamas, The

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign GovernmentsDate of Information: 5/14/2012 Governor Gen. Arthur FOULKES Prime Min. Perry CHRISTIE Dep. Prime Min. Philip DAVIS Min. of…