Peter Ueberroth Johnny Unitas Al Unser Jr. Al Unser Sr. Bobby Unser Gene Upshaw Jim Valvano Norm Van Brocklin Amy Van Dyken Johnny Vander Meer Harold S.…
The members of the U.S. Senate in the 114th Congress are listed below. Dates in left column indicate term in office; birth years are given in parentheses after party…
actressBorn: 4/14/1941Birthplace: Chukua, Assam, India Academy Award-winning actress (Darling, 1965) who was a leading star of the 1960s and 1970s. Her films include Dr. Zhivago (1965), Shampoo (…
writerBorn: 6/17/1937Birthplace: near Big Flat, Arkansas A popular children's author, she drew on her own childhood in rural Arkansas to tell stories of hardship and good times in some 20 books.…
singer, actorBorn: 12/8/1925Birthplace: New York City Popular singer and stage and film actor who started touring with his family's troupe, the Will Mastin Trio, at age three. He was a member of…
actorBorn: 12/28/1908Birthplace: Minneapolis, Minnesota Ayres appeared in more than 60 films, but is known for being a conscientious objector to World War II. Both Hollywood and movie fans balked…
folk artist, Baptist preacherBorn: 12/02/1916Birthplace: Valley Head, Alabama Baptist preacher and prolific folk artist known as much for his outsized personality as for his sculpture made out of…
(Lucille Fay Le Sueur)actressBorn: 3/23/1908Birthplace: San Antonio, Texas Academy Award -winning actress whose portrayal of independent women is associated with Hollywood's most glamorous era.…
(Marvin John Nance)actorBorn: 12/21/1943Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts Nance acted in several films directed by David Lynch, most memorably in the lead role of Eraserhead (1976); he also…