Candidates for U.S. Senate34 Senate seats are up for grabs by Ann-Marie Imbornoni RELATED LINKS Facts about SenatorsFacts about GovernorsElectoral College v. The…
by Liz Olson and Jennie Wood
The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to persons who have made the most outstanding contributions toward world peace. From novelists to social workers, the award has gone to…
2009 Academy Awards | Oscar winners and nomineesThe 2009 Academy Awards were presented on March 7, 2010, at the Kodak Theatre. All of the nominees are listed below; the Oscar winners are…
The 2014 Academy Awards were presented on Feb. 22, 2015, at the Kodak Theatre. All of the nominees are listed below; the Oscar winners are in bold. Best Picture American Sniper…
The members of the U.S. Senate in the 117th Congress are listed below. Dates in the left column indicate term in office; birth years are given in parentheses after party affiliation. All terms are…
Biographies of U.S. representatives and senators from Nebraska
Member Name Birth-Death ABEL, Hazel Hempel 1888-1966 ALLEN, William Vincent 1847-1924 ANDREWS, William Ezekiel 1854-…
Recommended Reading about Everest
Editor's picks for great mountaineering reads by Borgna Brunner Everest: A Mountaineering History
by Walt Unsworth
Out of print for…
See also
2011 People in the News 2010 People in the News 2009 People in the News 2008 People in the News 2007 People in the News 2006 People in the News 2005 People in the News 2004 People…
WorldIraq Seeks Former Soldiers (Nov. 2): Iraqi Defense Ministry begins recruiting former junior officers from Saddam Hussein's army to bolster army's forces and to siphon fighters away from the…