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Selected Biographies: P

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Selected Biographies: T

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z More Biographies Don't see the biography you're looking for? Search 30,000+ biographies Biographies by Category Arts and…

Irving, Washington

(Encyclopedia) Irving, Washington, 1783–1859, American author and diplomat, b. New York City. Irving was one of the first Americans to be recognized abroad as a man of letters, and he was a literary…

Great Awakening

(Encyclopedia) Great Awakening, series of religious revivals that swept over the American colonies about the middle of the 18th cent. It resulted in doctrinal changes and influenced social and…

The Horn Book Award

For the most outstanding juvenile books in the U.S.: one award for outstanding fiction, one for outstanding nonfiction, one for outstanding illustration (since 1976); given by the Boston Globe.…

Olympics 2002: Medal Standings (S-T)

Looking for great features on the TURIN GAMES? See: 2006 TURIN WINTER GAMES.   Medal Standings by Sport     Choose a sport: Alpine SkiingBiathlonBobsledCross-CountryCurlingFigure…


(Encyclopedia) Sitwell, English literary family, one of the most celebrated literary families of the 20th cent. Its members included Dame Edith Sitwell, 1887–1964, English poet and critic, Sir Osbert…

Popular Kids' Names

The top boys' and girls' names, from 1900-2015 by Elaine Rho Related Links Most Common Names of Twins Most Common Names of Twin Girls Most Common Names of Twin Boys Most Popular…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 NigeriaNigerianījĭrˈēə [key], officially Federal Republic of Nigeria, republic (2015 est. pop. 181,182,000), 356,667 sq mi (923,768 sq km), W Africa. It borders on the Gulf of…