Palestinian Statehood Milestones on the road by Borgna Brunner 1974 1988 1991 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998 1999 1974 November 13 Yasir Arafat addresses the United Nations General Assembly— the…
by Chris Frantz Related Links The KennedysAlmanac: John Fitzgerald KennedyKennedy Family Tragedies Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Born: July 22, 1890 Birthplace: Boston, Mass. Died: 1995 Rose…
Cutting for ContentMovies and FilmFilm EditingFade In: A Brief History of EditingThe Purposes of EditingCutting for ContentFrom Shooting to the Final ProductSome Films Whose Editing Is Worth Visiting…
Isabella Rossellini
See also
Filmmakers and Directors African-American Actors Asian American Film & Television Personalities Hispanic-American Film, Television, and Theater…
Ben AffleckBorn 8/12/72 in Berkeley, California.Golden Globe-winning co-screenwriter and co-star of Good Will Hunting (1997) (with longtime friend Matt Damon). His acting career also includes…
CAMPAIGN 2000 | THE CANDIDATESSteve Forbes The flat tax man is in for the long haul by Beth Rowen Steve Forbes.This article was posted on December 3, 1999.The Long HaulWINNING THE REPUBLICAN…
The Lean YearsMovies and FilmBritish Film HistoryThe BeginningsShooting (in) the WarThe Lean YearsEngland's Left Foot: Irish Cinema In the decades following World War II, the British film industry…
What's the Big Idea?Writing WellIn the Hot Seat: Writing Under PressureWhat's the Big Idea?Write This WayThe Golden RulesWhen the Meter's RunningPanic in the Streets There are more pressure writing…