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Neanderthal man

(Encyclopedia) Neanderthal manNeanderthal mannēănˈdərthôlˌ, –tôlˌ [key] or Neandertal manNeandertal man–tôlˌ [key], a species of Homo, the genus to which contemporary humans belong, known as H.…

Peking man

(Encyclopedia) Peking man: see Homo erectus.

man, prehistoric

(Encyclopedia) man, prehistoric, or early man: see human evolution.

Ray, Man

(Encyclopedia) Ray, Man, 1890–1976, American photographer, painter, and sculptor, b. Philadelphia. Along with Marcel Duchamp, Ray was a founder of the Dada movement in New York and Paris. He is…

Piltdown man

(Encyclopedia) Piltdown man, name given to human remains found during excavations (1908–15) at Piltdown, Sussex, England, by Charles Dawson. The find led to much speculation and argument. Since they…

Rhodesian man

(Encyclopedia) Rhodesian man, remains of an extinct hominin now classified as Homo heidelbergensis. See human evolution.

The Largest Man-Made Lake

The Question: What is the world's largest man-made lake? The Answer: At 204,800,000,000 cubic meters, Owen Falls in Uganda is the largest. That…