SaskatchewanSaskatchewansəskăchˈəwən, –wänˌ, săsˌ– [key], province (2001 pop. 978,933), 251,700 sq mi (651,903 sq km), W Canada.
Original inhabitants of Saskatchewan include…
These books were chosen by a committee of librarians, educators, and other professionals for the Association for Library Service to Children. Younger Readers…
Infoplease picks the best film adaptations of Shakespeare
by Shmuel Ross
Relatively Faithful Adaptations • Looser Adaptations • Shakespeare as Launching Pad
Relatively Faithful Adaptations…
Infoplease picks the best film adaptations of Shakespeare
by Shmuel Ross
Relatively Faithful Adaptations • Looser Adaptations • Shakespeare as Launching Pad
Relatively Faithful Adaptations…
Infoplease picks the best film adaptations of Shakespeare
by Shmuel Ross
Relatively Faithful Adaptations • Looser Adaptations • Shakespeare as Launching Pad
Relatively Faithful Adaptations…
Infoplease picks the best film adaptations of Shakespeare
by Shmuel Ross
Relatively Faithful Adaptations • Looser Adaptations • Shakespeare as Launching Pad
Relatively Faithful Adaptations…
Achilles: The Angry Young HeroClassical MythologyAchilles: The Angry Young HeroDon't Try This at Home!To War!The Final Battles Of all the heroes who fought in the 10-year Trojan War, none approached…
Assembling the ArgonautsClassical MythologyCrimes of Passion: Jason, Medea, and the ArgonautsAssembling the ArgonautsIn Search of AdventureWitch Way to the Golden FleeceCrime and Punishment: The Long…
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry: DionysusClassical MythologyEat, Drink, and Be Merry: DionysusSex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll: Dionysus on TourYo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Wine!The Kindness of Strangers Mythed…