A cardinal number tells "how many." Cardinal numbers are also known as "counting numbers," because they show quantity. Here are some examples using cardinal numbers:8 puppies14 friends Ordinal…
The ancient Greeks threw coins in their wells, hoping to keep the wells from running dry. Today, people throw coins in fountains to make wishes come true. But don't throw all your coins into one…
Neptune, named for an ancient Roman sea god, is a stormy blue planet about 30 times farther from the Sun than Earth. Neptune was discovered when astronomers realized that something was exerting a…
Uranus is a greenish-blue planet, twice as far from the Sun as its neighbor Saturn. Uranus wasn't discovered until 1781. Its discoveror, William Herschel, named it Georgium Sidus (the Georgian…
The Reproductive System The female body is incredible. The following list describes the events in a female's body that enable her to bear children.At birth, a girl baby has about 400,000 immature…
Millions of years from now, Los Angeles will be close to Alaska. Our world is moving constantly, spinning at a rate of 1,000 miles per hour. We are whirling around the sun at 20 miles per second.…
News Flash (August 24, 2006)—Pluto Demoted! Read About It Here. Pluto, named after the Roman and Greek god of the underworld, is the coldest, smallest, and outermost planet in our solar system.…
Pearly Whites Did you know: Enamel is the hardest thing in the human body. We use our teeth to bite and chew food—the first stage in digestion. Babies start to get their first teeth, called milk or…
A belt of asteroids (fragments of rock and iron) between Mars and Jupiter separate the four inner planets from the five outer planets. Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, was named…
Troubled singer who revitalized the British music scene and paved the way for others dies.
by Jennie Wood Amy Winehouse in June 2007 Photo Credit: Rama Related Links…