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Lao She

(Encyclopedia) Lao SheLao Shelou shŭ [key], pseud. of Shu She-yüShu She-yüsh&oomacr; shŭ-yü [key] or Shu Ch'ing-ch'un,Shu Ch'ing-ch'un,chĭng-ch&oobreve;n [key], 1899–1966, Chinese writer. He…

G - J

Dan GableRoman GabrielEddie GaedelClarence (Big House) GainesAlonzo (Jake) GaitherCito GastonRulon GardnerJustin GatlinLou GehrigCharley GehringerBernie GeoffrionGeorge GervinA. Bartlett…

Lifetime World Series Records

(through 2005)Most hits—71, Yogi Berra, New York A.L., 1947, 1949–53, 1955–58, 1960–63.Most runs—42, Mickey Mantle, New York A.L., 1951–53, 1955–58, 1960–64.Most runs batted in—40, Mickey Mantle,…

James Oliver EASTLAND, Congress, MS (1904-1986)

Senate Years of Service: 1941-1941; 1943-1978 Party: Democrat; Democrat EASTLAND, James Oliver, a Senator from Mississippi; born in Doddsville, Sunflower County, Miss., November 28, 1904; moved…

Mercier, Honoré

(Encyclopedia) Mercier, HonoréMercier, Honoréōnôrāˈ mĕrsyāˈ [key], 1840–94, Canadian political leader, b. Quebec prov. Opposing confederation (1867) on the ground that unification of the Canadian…

Atlanta, Ga.

Mayor: Kasim Reed (to Jan. 2018)2010 census population (rank): 420,003 (40); Male: 208,968 (49.8%); Female: 211,035 (50.2%); White: 161,115 (38.4%); Black: 226,894 (54.0%); American Indian and…

Cuban Missile Crisis

(Encyclopedia) Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962, major cold war confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. In response to the Bay of Pigs Invasion and other American actions against Cuba…

Negro League Baseball: Gone But Not Forgotten

The Glory Years In 1933, Negro League baseball finally got the financial support it needed to show off its superior brand of baseball... albeit from shady sources. Bar owner Gus Greenlee, known…

Women in Sports: Baseball

Women have been playing baseball since 1866. Vassar College had the first women's baseball team. Lanny Moss was the first woman to manage a…

Infoplease Spotlight

Section headerOrganizers at the Tournament of Roses Parade set off all this bowl-game hysteria when they decided a football game would more appealing to parade watchers than a polo match. So…