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Louis FITZHENRY, Congress, IL (1870-1935)

FITZHENRY, Louis, a Representative from Illinois; born in Bloomington, McLean County, Ill., June 13, 1870; attended the public and high schools of Bloomington; engaged in journalism; was…

Louis FREY, Jr., Congress, FL (1934)

FREY, Louis, Jr., a Representative from Florida; born in Rutherford, Bergen County, N.J., January 11, 1934; graduated from Rutherford High School, Rutherford, N.Y., 1951; B.A., Colgate…

James Louis OBERSTAR, Congress, MN (1934)

OBERSTAR, James Louis, a Representative from Minnesota; born in Chisholm, St. Louis County, Minn., September 10, 1934; graduated from Chisholm High School, Chisholm, Minn., 1952; B.A., College…

Louis Leon LUDLOW, Congress, IN (1873-1950)

LUDLOW, Louis Leon, a Representative from Indiana; born on a farm near Connersville, Fayette County, Ind., June 24, 1873; attended the grade and high schools; moved to Indianapolis, Ind., in…

Benjamin Louis CARDIN, Congress, MD (1943)

Senate Years of Service: 2007-Party: DemocratCARDIN, Benjamin Louis, a Senator and a Representative from Maryland; born in Baltimore, Md., October 5, 1943; attended public schools; graduated…

Louis MONAST, Congress, RI (1863-1936)

MONAST, Louis, a Representative from Rhode Island; born in Marieville de Monior, Iberville, Province of Quebec, Canada, July 1, 1863; in the spring of 1865 immigrated to the United States with…

The Supreme Court: Louis Brandeis (1916-1939)

Louis Brandeis (1916-1939)The Supreme CourtGreat Minds of the CourtJoseph Story (1811-1845)Oliver Wendell Holmes (1902-1932)Louis Brandeis (1916-1939)Benjamin Cardozo (1932-1938)Hugo Black (…

Wilbur Louis ADAMS, Congress, DE (1884-1937)

ADAMS, Wilbur Louis, a Representative from Delaware; born in Georgetown, Sussex County, Del., October 23, 1884; attended the public schools, Delaware College, Newark, Del., and Dickinson…

Louis Evans ATKINSON, Congress, PA (1841-1910)

ATKINSON, Louis Evans, a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Delaware Township, Juniata County, Pa., April 16, 1841; attended the common schools and Airy View and Milnwood Academies;…