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(Encyclopedia) LysaniasLysaniaslīsāˈnēəs [key], tetrarch of Abilene. He is mentioned in the Gospel of St. Luke. A rock inscription mentioning his name was found on the site of ancient Abila.


(Encyclopedia) NainNainnāˈĭn [key], village of Galilee, ancient Palestine, SE of Nazareth. It is the modern Nein, Israel. The Gospel of St. Luke reports that here Jesus raised a widow's son from the…

Philip, tetrarch of Ituraea

(Encyclopedia) Philip, d. a.d. 34, tetrarch of Ituraea, son of Herod the Great. He was perhaps the ablest of the Herod dynasty. He is mentioned in the Gospel of St. Luke.


(Encyclopedia) HansardHansardhănˈsərd [key], name given to the official record of the proceedings of the British Parliament, named after the Hansard family of printers. Luke Hansard (1752–1828) was…

Mary Magdalene

(Encyclopedia) Mary MagdaleneMary Magdalenemăgˈdələn; formerly, and still in Magdalen College, Oxford, and Magdalene College, Cambridge, môdˈlən, hence [key] Mary Magdalenemaudlin, [key] Mary…


(Encyclopedia) TrachonitisTrachonitistrăkˌənīˈtĭs [key], region, ancient Palestine, NE of the Sea of Galilee and SE of Damascus. It formed part of the tetrarchy of Herod Philip and Herod Agrippa I.…


(Encyclopedia) CainanCainankāīˈnən, kāˈnən [key], in the genealogy in the Gospel of St. Luke. 1 The same as Kenan. 2 Son of Arphaxad.

Golden Rule

(Encyclopedia) Golden Rule, in the New Testament, saying of Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew he says, “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets…


(Encyclopedia) Knossos or CnossusCnossusboth: nŏsˈəs [key], ancient city of Crete, on the north coast, near modern Iráklion. The site was occupied long before 3000 b.c., and it was the center of an…