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Pyrenees, Peace of the

(Encyclopedia) Pyrenees, Peace of the, 1659, treaty ending the warfare between France and Spain that, continuing after the Peace of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years War, had been complicated…


(Encyclopedia) BrassaïBrassaïbräsīˈ [key], 1899–1984, French photographer, b. Brassó, Hungary (now Braşov, Romania), as Gyula Halász. Particularly known for his nightime photographs of Paris, he…

Best-Selling Books, 2006

Source: Publishers Weekly. Hardcover Fiction For One More Day, Mitch Albom Cross, James Patterson Dear John, Nicholas Sparks…

WHITE, Edward Douglass, Congress, LA (1845-1921)

Senate Years of Service: 1891-1894 Party: Democrat WHITE, Edward Douglass, (son of Edward Douglass White [1795-1847] and grandson of James White), a Senator from Louisiana; born near Thibodaux…

Women in the 111th Congress

This table provides the name and state of the women currently serving in the 111th Congress (which began in 2009). There are 77 women in the House of Representatives and 17 women in the Senate…

Women Saints and Sinners

  Mata Hari Biographies ofNotable Women Actresses Adventurers Artists Athletes Businesswomen Comediennes Congresswomen Educators and Scholars Fashion Designers and Models Literary…

Women on Pedestals

Sojourner Truth These are monumental women! Because of their achievements, their likenesses have been carved in stone for all to see and remember.Who: Katharine Lee Bates, author of “America the…

Saint Brigid

Saint Brigid Patron of babies, blacksmiths, cows and dairy workers, Ireland, midwives, poets, sailors, scholars, and travelers by Ann-Marie Imbornoni St. Brigid (453?–523?) Also known as…

Guy Despard GOFF, Congress, WV (1866-1933)

Senate Years of Service: 1925-1931Party: RepublicanGOFF, Guy Despard, (son of Nathan Goff and father of Louise Goff Reece), a Senator from West Virginia; born in Clarksburg, Harrison County, W…