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Daubenton, Louis Jean Marie

(Encyclopedia) Daubenton, Louis Jean MarieDaubenton, Louis Jean Marielwē zhäN märēˈ dōbäNtôNˈ [key], 1716–1800, French naturalist. He was a professor at the Collège de France from 1778; his work…

Couperus, Louis Marie Anne

(Encyclopedia) Couperus, Louis Marie AnneCouperus, Louis Marie Annelwē märēˈ än k&oomacr;pāˈr&oobreve;s [key], 1863–1923, Dutch novelist. In his early works he emphasized with graceful irony…

Hugo, Victor Marie, Vicomte

(Encyclopedia) Hugo, Victor Marie, VicomteHugo, Victor Marie, Vicomtehy&oomacr;ˈgō, Fr. vēktôrˈ märēˈ vēkôNtˈ ügōˈ [key], 1802–85, French poet, dramatist, and novelist, b. Besançon. His father…

Fréron, Louis Marie Stanislas

(Encyclopedia) Fréron, Louis Marie StanislasFréron, Louis Marie Stanislaslwē märēˈ stänēsläsˈ [key]Fréron, Louis Marie Stanislas frārôNˈ [key], 1754–1802, French revolutionary; son of Élie Fréron.…

Gérando, Joseph Marie de

(Encyclopedia) Gérando, Joseph Marie deGérando, Joseph Marie dezhôzĕfˈ märēˈ də zhāräNdōˈ [key], 1772–1842, French philosopher and political figure. Joining the insurrection in Lyons against the…

Garnier, Marie Joseph François

(Encyclopedia) Garnier, Marie Joseph FrançoisGarnier, Marie Joseph Françoismärēˈ zhôzĕfˈ fräNswäˈ [key]Garnier, Marie Joseph François gärnyāˈ [key], 1839–73, French explorer and naval officer,…

Le Pen, Jean-Marie

(Encyclopedia) Le Pen, Jean-MarieLe Pen, Jean-Mariezhŏnˌ-märēˈ lə pĕn, pŏN [key], 1928–, French politician. He graduated from law school, was elected (1956) a parliamentary deputy, and criticized…

Mangin, Charles Marie Emmanuel

(Encyclopedia) Mangin, Charles Marie EmmanuelMangin, Charles Marie Emmanuelshärl märēˈ ĕmänüĕlˈ mäNzhăNˈ [key], 1866–1925, French general. A graduate of Saint-Cyr, he served in the Sudan under Jean…

Marie de l'Incarnation

(Encyclopedia) Marie de l'IncarnationMarie de l'Incarnationdə lăNkärnäsyôNˈ [key], 1599–1672, French missionary. Her name was originally Marie Guyard. She was married in her youth and bore a son;…

Mignet, François Auguste Marie

(Encyclopedia) Mignet, François Auguste MarieMignet, François Auguste MariefräNswäˈ ôgüstˈ märēˈ mēnyāˈ [key], 1796–1884, French historian and journalist. With his lifelong friend, Adolphe Thiers,…