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Thomas, Norman Mattoon

(Encyclopedia) Thomas, Norman Mattoon, 1884–1968, American socialist leader, b. Marion, Ohio; grad. Princeton (1905), Union Theological Seminary (1911). He served as pastor of several Presbyterian…

2000 Olympics

Sydney A record 10,651 athletes (4,069 of them women) from 199 nations participate; the only nation excluded is Afghanistan. North and South Korea enter the stadium under one flag. Australian…

William Stanley WEST, Congress, GA (1849-1914)

Senate Years of Service: 1914-1914Party: DemocratWEST, William Stanley, a Senator from Georgia; was born near Buena Vista, Marion County, Ga., on August 23, 1849; moved with his parents to…

Andrew Jackson YOUNG, Jr., Congress, GA (1932)

YOUNG, Andrew Jackson, Jr., a Representative from Georgia; born in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, La., March 12, 1932; educated in public schools of New Orleans, Gilbert Academy, and Dillard…

Ralph Eugene UPDIKE, Congress, IN (1894-1953)

UPDIKE, Ralph Eugene, a Representative from Indiana; born in Brookville, Franklin County, Ind., May 27, 1894; attended the public schools of Whitcomb and Brookville, Dodds Army and Navy…

Campbell Bascom SLEMP, Congress, VA (1870-1943)

SLEMP, Campbell Bascom, (son of Campbell Slemp), a Representative from Virginia; born at Turkey Cove, Lee County, Va., September 4, 1870; attended the public schools; was graduated from…

Samuel Ritter PETERS, Congress, KS (1842-1910)

PETERS, Samuel Ritter, a Representative from Kansas; born in Walnut Township, near Circleville, Pickaway County, Ohio, August 16, 1842; attended the common schools and the Ohio Wesleyan…

2007 People in the News

See also 2006 People in the News 2005 People in the News 2004 People in the News 2003 People in the News 2002 People in the News 2001 People in the News 2000 People in the News 1999 People…