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(Encyclopedia) tattoo, the marking of the skin with punctures into which pigment is rubbed. The word originates from the Tahitian tattau [to mark]. The term is sometimes extended to scarification,…

Puccini, Giacomo

(Encyclopedia) Puccini, GiacomoPuccini, Giacomojäˈkōmō p&oomacr;t-chēˈnē [key], 1858–1924, Italian composer of operas. He wrote some of the most popular works in the opera repertory. A descendant…

Outer Banks

(Encyclopedia) Outer Banks or the Banks, chain of sand barrier islands and peninsulas, c.175 mi (280 km), along the Atlantic coast of SE Va. and E N.C. Separated by inlets and enclosing several…

Algebra: Solving Rational Inequalities

Solving Rational Inequalities Algebra Rational Equations and Inequalities Solving Rational Equations Proportions and Cross Multiplying Investigating Variation Solving Rational Inequalities…

Measurement and Conversion

  U.S. Weights and Measures Metric Weights and Measures The International System (Metric) Metric Conversions Conversion Calculator Conversion Table Conversion of Miles to Kilometers and…

Leopard Species Discovered

Genetic tests lead to the discovery on Borneo and Sumatra by Beth Rowen Related Links Classifying Animals Estimated Number of Animal Species…

Peter Phillips | Royal Biographies

Royal Biographies:Peter Phillips by David Johnson RELATED LINKS Royal Family TreeQueen Elizabeth IIPrincess AnneZara Phillips The only son of Princess Anne and…

Howells, William Dean

(Encyclopedia) Howells, William Dean, 1837–1920, American novelist, critic, and editor, b. Martins Ferry, Ohio. Both in his own novels and in his critical writing, Howells was a champion of realism…


(Encyclopedia) TintorettoTintorettotēntōrĕtˈtō [key], 1518–94, Venetian painter, whose real name was Jacopo Robusti. Tintoretto is considered one of the greatest painters in the Venetian tradition.…