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Johnston, Mary

(Encyclopedia) Johnston, Mary, 1870–1936, American novelist, b. Buchanan, Va. Her books combine romance with history. She is chiefly remembered for To Have and to Hold (1900), a story of colonial…

Astell, Mary

(Encyclopedia) Astell, MaryAstell, Maryăsˈtəl [key], 1666–1731, English author and feminist. Her Serious Proposal to the Ladies (2 parts, 1694–97) offered a scheme for a women's college, an idea far…

Oliver, Mary

(Encyclopedia) Oliver, Mary, 1935–2019, American poet, b. Cleveland, Ohio, studied Ohio State Univ., Vassar. She published her first collection of poems, No Voyage and Other Poems, in 1963. She was a…

McGrory, Mary

(Encyclopedia) McGrory, Mary, 1918–2004, American journalist, b. Boston, grad. Emmanuel College. McGrory wrote with clarity, lyricism, and wit on the events and personalities of the five decades…

Lyon, Mary

(Encyclopedia) Lyon, MaryLyon, Marylīˈən [key], 1797–1849, American educator, founder of Mt. Holyoke College, b. Buckland, Mass. She attended three academies in Massachusetts; later she taught at…

Martin, Mary

(Encyclopedia) Martin, Mary, 1913–90, American musical comedy star, b. Weatherford, Tex. From Martin's first stage appearance in Leave It to Me (1938), she starred in several enormously successful…

Mary Magdalene

(Encyclopedia) Mary MagdaleneMary Magdalenemăgˈdələn; formerly, and still in Magdalen College, Oxford, and Magdalene College, Cambridge, môdˈlən, hence [key] Mary Magdalenemaudlin, [key] Mary…

Mary Tudor

(Encyclopedia) Mary Tudor: see Mary I, Queen of England; Mary of England.

Carpenter, Mary

(Encyclopedia) Carpenter, Mary, 1807–77, English educator. She devoted her life to the establishment of schools and institutions and the promotion of educational reforms. In 1835 she organized the…