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Proud Boys

(Encyclopedia) Proud Boys, American political movement. Founded in 2016 by Vice Media cofounder Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys promotes the philosophy…

Roberts, John Glover, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Roberts, John Glover, Jr., 1955–, American public official, 17th chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (2005–), b. Buffalo, N.Y., grad. Harvard (B.A. 1976, J.D. 1979). He clerked (…

Starr, Kenneth Winston

(Encyclopedia) Starr, Kenneth Winston, 1946–2022, American public official, b. Vernon, Tex., grad. George Washington Univ. (B.A., 1968), Brown (M.A.,…

The Supreme Court: Abortion & Roe v. Wade

Photo Source: iStock The U.S. Supreme Court, founded in 1789, is the highest federal court in America. Located in Washington D.C., it has final jurisdiction over all federal and state court cases…

balance of trade

(Encyclopedia) balance of trade, relation between the merchandise exports and imports of a country. The concept first became important in the 16th and 17th cent. with the growth of mercantilism.…


(Encyclopedia) GuantánamoGuantánamogwäntäˈnämō [key], city (1994 est. pop. 200,000), capital of Guantánamo prov., SE Cuba, on the Guaso River. It is the processing center for a rich sugar- and coffee…


(Encyclopedia) militiamilitiaməlĭshˈə [key], military organization composed of citizens enrolled and trained for service in times of national emergency. Its ranks may be filled either by enlistment…

The Oscars

By Alicia Potter Oscar was in big trouble. The year was 1952, and talk swirled on the backlots and in the boardrooms that the Academy Awards were on their last legs. The problem? Money. The…

In God We Poll?

A look at the role religion and faith play in the race to be presidentRelated Links Campaign 2012 U.S. Constitution Encyclopedia:…

Pat Buchanan

Pat BuchananRabble rouser for the Reform party by Beth Rowen Buchanan speaks with steel workers in Weirton, West Virginia.This article was posted on September 29, 1999.Born to fight Since he…