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Adrian VI, pope

(Encyclopedia) Adrian VI, 1459–1523, pope (1522–23), a Netherlander (b. Utrecht) named Adrian Florensz; successor of Leo X. He taught at Louvain and was tutor of the young prince, later Holy Roman…

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Anastasius I

(Encyclopedia) Anastasius IAnastasius Iănəstāˈshəs, –zhəs [key], c.430–518, Roman emperor of the East (491–518); successor of Zeno, whose widow he married. He broke the power that the Isaurians had…


(Encyclopedia) GlyptothekGlyptothekglüpˌtōtākˈ [key], museum in Munich on the Königsplatz, founded by Louis I of Bavaria to house his collection of ancient and modern sculptures. Among these is the…

Lenbach, Franz von

(Encyclopedia) Lenbach, Franz vonLenbach, Franz vonfränts fən lānˈbäkh [key], 1836–1904, German portrait painter. He studied in Munich and Rome and from 1863 to 1868 worked as a copyist of old…

Pius X, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Pius X, Saint, 1835–1914, pope (1903–14), an Italian named Giuseppe Sarto, b. near Treviso; successor of Leo XIII and predecessor of Benedict XV. Ordained in 1858, he became bishop of…

Basil I

(Encyclopedia) Basil I (Basil the Macedonian)Basil Ibăzˈəl, bāˈzəl [key], c.813–886, Byzantine emperor (867–86). His ancestors probably were Armenians or Slavs who settled in Macedonia. He became (c.…

Raphael Santi

(Encyclopedia) Raphael Santi or Raphael Sanzio, Ital. Raffaello Santi or Raffaello SanzioRaphael Santiräfˌfäĕlˈlō sänˈtē, sänˈtsyō [key], 1483–1520, major Italian Renaissance painter, b. Urbino. In…

Roland Holst, Henriëtte (van der Schalk)

(Encyclopedia) Roland Holst, Henriëtte (van der Schalk)Roland Holst, Henriëtte (van der Schalk)hĕnrēĕtˈə vän dĕr skhälk rōˈlänt hôlst [key], 1869–1952, Dutch writer. Her early Sonnets and Poems…


(Encyclopedia) lion, large carnivore of the cat family, Panthera leo, found in open country in Africa, with a few surviving in India. Lions have short-haired coats of tawny brown, with the tail…