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Jones, Jim

(Encyclopedia) Jones, Jim, 1931–78, American religious leader, b. Lynn, Indiana. An influential Indianapolis preacher from the 1950s and onetime head of the city's Human Rights Commission, Jones…

Duprat, Antoine

(Encyclopedia) Duprat, AntoineDuprat, AntoineäNtwänˈ düpräˈ [key], 1463–1535, chancellor of France and cardinal. First president of the Paris Parlement (1508), he was a trusted adviser of Louise of…

Constantine VI, Byzantine emperor

(Encyclopedia) Constantine VI, b. c.770, Byzantine emperor (780–97), son and successor of Leo IV. His mother, Irene, was regent until 790, when she was deposed by a military revolt. Constantine…

Rough Riders

(Encyclopedia) Rough Riders, popular name for the 1st Regiment of U.S. Cavalry Volunteers, organized largely by Theodore Roosevelt in the Spanish-American War (1898). Its members were mostly ranchers…

Rosenfeld, Morris

(Encyclopedia) Rosenfeld, MorrisRosenfeld, Morrisrōˈzənfĕlt [key], 1862–1923, Jewish poet, b. Russian Poland. His name was originally Moshe Jacob Alter. He worked as a tailor in London and as a…

Tolstoy, Aleksey Konstantinovich

(Encyclopedia) Tolstoy, Aleksey KonstantinovichTolstoy, Aleksey Konstantinovichtŏlˈstoi, Rus. əlyĭksyāˈ kənstəntyēˈnəvĭch təlstoiˈ [key], 1817–75, Russian poet, dramatist, and novelist. He was a…

Theodore of Studium, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Theodore of Studium, SaintTheodore of Studium, Saintst&oomacr;ˈdēəm [key], 759–826, Byzantine Greek monastic reformer, also called St. Theodore the Studite. As an abbot he was…

Adrian I, pope

(Encyclopedia) Adrian I, d. 795, pope (772–95), a Roman; successor of Stephen IV. At Adrian's urging, Charlemagne crossed the Alps and defeated the Lombard king, Desiderius, who had annexed papal…

Caprivi Strip

(Encyclopedia) Caprivi StripCaprivi Stripkäprēˈvē [key] or Caprivi ZipfelCaprivi Zipfeltsĭpˈfəl [key] [Ger. Zipfel=tip, point], region, c.300 mi (480 km) long and 50 mi (80 km) wide, NE Namibia,…

Popes of the Roman Catholic Church (table)

(Encyclopedia) Popes of the Roman Catholic ChurchIn the following list, the date of election, rather than of consecration, is given. Before St. Victor I (189), dates may err by one year. Antipopes—i…