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(Encyclopedia) lend-lease, arrangement for the transfer of war supplies, including food, machinery, and services, to nations whose defense was considered vital to the defense of the United States in…


(Encyclopedia) encyclical, originally, a pastoral letter sent out by a bishop, now a solemn papal letter, meant to inform the whole church on some particular matter of importance. Benedict XIV…

Quezon, Manuel Luis

(Encyclopedia) Quezon, Manuel LuisQuezon, Manuel Luismänwĕl l&oomacr;ēsˈ kāˈsōn [key], 1878–1944, first president of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1935–44). While a law student, he joined…

Blum, René

(Encyclopedia) Blum, RenéBlum, Renérənāˈ [key]Blum, René bl&oobreve;m [key], 1878–1942, French ballet impresario, brother of Socialist leader Léon Blum. He edited (1903–13) the journal Gil Blas…


(Encyclopedia) ZoëZoëzōˈē [key], c.978–1050, Byzantine empress (1028–50), daughter and successor of Constantine VIII. Zoë was first married when she was 50 years old at the request of her father to…

Women in Technology

Profiles of female trailblazers in technology by Jennie Wood Ada Lovelace, the First Computer Programmer Women in Technology Ada Lovelace Grace Hopper Hedy Lamarr Jean Sammet Roberta…

Atlantic Hurricane Names

Because hurricanes often occur at the same time, officials assign short, distinctive names to the storms to avoid confusion among weather stations, coastal bases, and ships at sea. Since 1953…

D - F

Bjorn DaehlieChuck DalyJohn DalyStanley DancerBeth DanielAlvin DarkRon DarlingTamas DarnyiLindsay DavenportAl DavisDwight DavisErnie DavisGlenn DavisJohn DavisTerrell DavisDominique DawesPat DayRon…

Notable Jewish Religious Leaders

Elie Wiesel See also People in the NewsRecent Obituaries Related Links Judaism Judaism Primer Branches of Judaism Holidays: Religious and Secular, 2006 Jewish Holidays, 2001â…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Carolingian Empire (814) Charlemagne (Charles the Great or Charles I)Charlemagneshärˈləmān [key] [O.Fr.,=Charles the great], 742?–814, emperor of the West (800–814),…