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Lew Hoad

Born: Nov. 23, 1934Australian tennis player 2-time Wimbledon winner (1956-57); won Australian, French and Wimbledon titles in 1956, but missed capturing Grand Slam at Forest Hills when beaten by…

John F. Kennedy, Jr., Remembered

John F. Kennedy, Jr., Remembered Reactions of friends, family, and public figures by Beth Rowen Memorials to John F. Kennedy, Jr., appeared at his Tribeca home and the offices of George…

March 2009 Current Events: U.S. News

World News | Business/Science News Here are the key events in United States news for the month of March 2009. Three of Four Still Missing After Boat Capsizes (Mar. 2):…

Slaves in the Family

The Rest of the Story   "We have a country with a tragic history that is as powerful as its heroic history. We have to incorporate those realities in our understanding of who we are…

2006 Olympics: Biathlon

A demanding combination of exertion and precision by Gerry Brown and Christine Frantz Related Links 2006 Winter Olympics2006 Biathlon Medal StandingsBiathlon Through the YearsEncyclopedia…

John Henry Bryan, Jr.

business executiveBorn: 1936Birthplace: West Point, Miss. He worked in his family's food business, Bryan Foods, beginning in 1960, and grew it until it was sold to Consolidate Foods (which later…

2006 Olympics: Biathlon

MenWomen Cross country (any style) and rifle shooting (.22 caliber, small-bore, standing and prone). MT indicates missed targets.

Jacob Broom

framer of the Constitution, politicianBorn: 1752Birthplace: Wilmington, Del. Primarily a local politician, serving the community of Wilmington as assistant burgess and postmaster, Broom's national…

Brett Favre

Born: Oct. 10, 1969Football QB Strongarmed Southern Miss. QB drafted in 1991 in the 2nd round (33rd overall) by Atlanta; traded to Green Bay in 1992; NFL’s only 3-time league MVP (1995-97); 8- time…

Howard Stern

television and radio personality, authorBorn: 1/12/1954Birthplace: New York City Shock jock and author who takes pleasure and pride in offending as many as possible with racist and sexist jokes.…