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Lützelburger, Hans

(Encyclopedia) Lützelburger, HansLützelburger, Hanshäns lüˈtsəlb&oobreve;rgər [key], d. 1526, German wood engraver, assumed to be the same man as Hans Franck, active from c.1516. He worked in…

Matthew, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Matthew, Saint, in the New Testament, one of the Twelve Apostles. Also called Levi, he was a publican (tax collector) from Capernaum. Since the 2d cent. the first Gospel (see Matthew,…

Mannyng, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Mannyng or Manning, Robert, fl. 1298–1338, English poet, b. Brunne (modern Bourne), Lincolnshire; also called Robert of Brunne. He was a monk in the Gilbertine order. Mannyng is known…

Hartley, David

(Encyclopedia) Hartley, David, 1705–57, English physician and philosopher, founder of associational psychology. In his Observations on Man (2 vol., 1749) he stated that all mental phenomena are due…


(Encyclopedia) antithesisantithesisăntĭthˈĭsĭs [key], a figure of speech involving a seeming contradiction of ideas, words, clauses, or sentences within a balanced grammatical structure. Parallelism…

Justin I

(Encyclopedia) Justin I, c.450–527, Byzantine emperor (518–27); successor of Anastasius I. He was chief of the imperial guard and became emperor when Anastasius died. Justin persecuted the…

Dudley, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Dudley, Thomas, 1576–1653, colonial governor of Massachusetts, b. England. As a young man he served as a clerk and later as steward to the earl of Lincoln. In 1630 he emigrated to…

Alden, Henry Mills

(Encyclopedia) Alden, Henry MillsAlden, Henry Millsôlˈdən [key], 1836–1919, American editor, b. Mt. Tabor, Vt. He was editor of Harper's Magazine from 1869 until his death. A highly religious and…

Alexander, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Alexander, in the Bible. 1 Kinsman of Annas. 2 Son of Simon of Cyrene, probably a Christian. 3 Heretic condemned by Paul. 4 Coppersmith who did Paul harm. 5 Jew who tried to speak…

Smith, Logan Pearsall

(Encyclopedia) Smith, Logan Pearsall, 1865–1946, Anglo-American author, b. Millville, N.J. After 1888 he lived in England, studied at Oxford, and became a man of letters. His brief and exquisite…