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From Webster's II New Riverside University Dictionary. © 1984 by Houghton Mifflin Company. This section discusses and illustrates the basic conventions of American capitalization. Capitalize the…

King Charles III of England

Source: AP Images/Dan KitwoodThe Queen is dead, long live the King. This phrase has been used for centuries to signify the unbroken continuation of the British Monarchy. The…

Movies and Film: A Few Good Films

A Few Good FilmsMovies and FilmItalian Film HistoryTurnin' to TurinRinging the White TelephoneA Few Good FilmsThe Past 20 Years The great cinema scholar Ephraim Katz, author of The Film…

V-E Day: May 8, 1945

May 8 marks the day of victory for Allies in World War II   The London Daily Mirror, May, 8, 1945 On Mar. 7, 1945, the Western Allies—whose chief commanders in the field were…

Dorothy Day

social activist, journalist, and cofounder of the Catholic Worker movementBorn: 1897Birthplace: New York, N.Y. From 1914 to 1916, Day attended the University of Illinois, where she joined the…

Eleanor of Aquitaine Biography

European queenBorn: 1122?– Eleanor of Aquitaine was one of the most powerful leaders in medieval Europe. She was queen of France and then queen of England, the mother of two kings, and an active…

1100–1199 (A.D.) World History

Chartres CathedralTasha Vincent1100–1300Construction of Cathedral at Chartres, France.1144Second Crusade begins.c. 1150Angkor Wat is completed.1150–1167Universities of Paris and Oxford founded in…

Power Points

Power Points Did you know these facts about powerful women?In prehistoric times, women were worshiped as supernatural beings because they could create life. The supreme creator was female—the Great…

Samuel L. Jackson

actorBorn: 12/21/1948Birthplace: Washington, D.C. Film actor best known for his role as a Bible-thumping hit man in Pulp Fiction (1994). Although he had already appeared in other big hits such as…

Movies and Film: Shooting (in) the War

Shooting (in) the WarMovies and FilmBritish Film HistoryThe BeginningsShooting (in) the WarThe Lean YearsEngland's Left Foot: Irish Cinema Not all movies made in England between 1940 and 1945…