(Encyclopedia) Valla, LorenzoValla, Lorenzolōrānˈtsō välˈlä [key], c.1407–57, Italian humanist. Valla knew Greek and Latin well and was chosen by Pope Nicholas V to translate Herodotus and Thucydides…
(Encyclopedia) Burgess, John William, 1844–1931, American educator and political scientist, b. Tennessee. He served in the Union army in the Civil War and after the war graduated from Amherst (1867…
Sigmund Freud(1856–1939)Leo Baeck Inst./Archive PhotosHenri Matisse (1869–1954)The Library of Congress Picture CollectionW.E.B. Du Bois(1868–1963)The Library of Congress Picture…
The Columbia Encyclopedia began its existence in the 1920s when Clarke Fisher Ansley and Columbia University Press recognized the need for a first aid for those who read. They envisioned and created…
J. K. Rowling Trivia Learn more about the author of the Harry Potter books by Ann-Marie Imbornoni and Dana Quigley Did you know: J.K. Rowling BiographyHer last name rhymes with "bowling."Has…
Notable African-American Visual and Performing Artists
Browse more African-American biographies by category: A-Z List Government Officials Civil Rights Leaders Religious…
(Encyclopedia) Rasputin, Grigori YefimovichRasputin, Grigori Yefimovichrăspy&oomacr;ˈtĭn, Rus. grĭgôˈrē yĭfēˈməvĭch rəsp&oomacr;ˈtyĭn [key], 1869–1916, Russian holy man and courtier, a…
(Encyclopedia) papal election, election of the pope by the college of cardinals meeting in secret conclave in the Sistine Chapel not less than 15 nor more than 18 days after the death of the previous…
(Encyclopedia) Vanbrugh, Sir JohnVanbrugh, Sir Johnvănbr&oomacr;ˈ, vănˈbrə [key], 1664–1726, English dramatist, architect, soldier, and adventurer, b. London, of Flemish descent. In 1686 he…
(Encyclopedia) Yekaterinburg or EkaterinburgYekaterinburgboth: yĭkäˌtĭrēmb&oobreve;rkˈ [key], formerly SverdlovskYekaterinburgsvyĭrdlôfskˈ [key], city (1989 pop. 1,365,000), capital of the…