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Rulers of Spain since 1474 (table)

(Encyclopedia) Rulers of Spain since 1474(including dates of reign) Union of Castile and Aragón Isabella I (of Castile), ruled jointly with Ferdinand II (of Aragón), 1474–1504 Ferdinand II,…

May 2007

Here are the key news events of the month organized into three categories: World News, U.S. News, and Business, Society, and Science News. World Rice Meets With…

2009 People in the News

See also 2008 People in the News 2007 People in the News 2006 People in the News 2005 People in the News 2004 People in the News…

Chirac, Jacques René

(Encyclopedia) Chirac, Jacques RenéChirac, Jacques Renézhäk rənāˈ shēräkˈ [key], 1932–2019, French political leader, president of France (1995–2007), b. Paris. He attended the National School of…

chemical industry

(Encyclopedia) chemical industry, the business of using chemical reactions to turn raw materials, such as coal, oil, and salt, into a variety of products. During the 19th and 20th cent. technological…

2007 World History

  2007 Coalition forces battle insurgents on the streets of Iraq, as secretarian violence intensifies; see Iraq Timeline 2007 for details (all year long). Romania and Bulgaria are admitted to the…

Entertainment Bios — C

James CaanSid CaesarNicolas CageJames CagneyDean CainMichael CaineZoe CaldwellJames CameronJulia Margaret CameronBruce CampbellGlen CampbellLouise CampbellNaomi CampbellNeve CampbellJane…

State Department Notes on Romania

U.S. Department of State Background Note Index: Geography People History Government Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations Defense U.S.-Romanian Relations GEOGRAPHYExtending inland…

Louis XV, king of France

(Encyclopedia) Louis XV, 1710–74, king of France (1715–74), great-grandson and successor of King Louis XIV, son of Louis, titular duke of Burgundy, and Marie Adelaide of Savoy. The domestic abuses…

Chávez Frías, Hugo Rafael

(Encyclopedia) Chávez Frías, Hugo RafaelChávez Frías, Hugo Rafael&oomacr;ˈgō räfäĕlˈ chäˈvĕs frēˈäs [key], 1954–2013, Venezuelan political leader, president of Venezuela (1999–2013). Raised in…