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Displaying 361 - 370

Sylvester GILBERT, Congress, CT (1755-1846)

GILBERT, Sylvester, a Representative from Connecticut; born in Hebron, Tolland County, Conn., October 20, 1755; pursued classical studies, and was graduated from Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.…

Adolphus Peter NELSON, Congress, WI (1872-1927)

NELSON, Adolphus Peter, a Representative from Wisconsin; born in Holmes City, near Alexandria, Douglas County, Minn., March 28, 1872; attended the public schools and was graduated from Hamline…

Edward Bishop DUDLEY, Congress, NC (1789-1855)

DUDLEY, Edward Bishop, a Representative from North Carolina; born near Jacksonville, Onslow County, N.C., December 15, 1789; attended the local academy; member of the State house of commons…

Albert Arnold GORE, Congress, TN (1907-1998)

Senate Years of Service: 1953-1971Party: DemocratGORE, Albert Arnold, (father of Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.), a Representative and a Senator from Tennessee; born in Granville, Jackson County,…

LINCOLN, Levi, Congress, MA (1749-1820)

LINCOLN, Levi, (father of Enoch Lincoln and Levi Lincoln [1782-1868]), a Representative from Massachusetts; born in Hingham, Mass., May 15, 1749; attended the common schools; was graduated from…

Stephen Russell MALLORY, Congress, FL (18131873)

Senate Years of Service: 1851-1861Party: DemocratMALLORY, Stephen Russell, (father of Stephen Russell Mallory [1848-1907]), a Senator from Florida; born in Trinidad, West Indies, about 1813;…

EWING, Thomas, Congress, OH (1789-1871)

Senate Years of Service: 1831-1837; 1850-1851 Party: Anti-Jacksonian; Whig EWING, Thomas, (father of Thomas Ewing [1829-1896]), a Senator from Ohio; born near West Liberty, Ohio County, Va. (…

Women Adventurers

  Louise Arner Boyd Quiz: Women Adventurers Biographies ofNotable Women Actresses Adventurers Artists Athletes Businesswomen Comediennes Congresswomen Educators and…