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Paul Kollsman

Born: 1900 Altimeter. Prior to 1928, there was no reliable or accurate way for airplane pilots to know how far above the ground they were. The barometric altimeter, accurate within 20 feet,…

Les Paul

Born: 1915 Electric Guitar, Multi-Track Recording. Paul's innovations led to his first solid-body electric guitar in 1946. He produced a series of extremely popular recordings—using advanced multi-…

Adrian Paul

actorBorn: 5/29/1959Birthplace: London, England Paul played Duncan MacLeod for six years on the television show, Highlander-The Series (1992– ). The former model studied jazz and ballet before…

Paul McCartney

(James Paul McCartney)singer, bassist, composer, pianistBorn: 6/18/1942Birthplace: Liverpool, England Grammy Award-winning British singer, composer and pianist for The Beatles. His songwriting…

Paul Newman

actor, directorBorn: 1/26/1925Birthplace: Shaker Heights, Ohio Academy Award-winning actor and director known for his piercing blue eyes and the immediacy of his acting. His films include Cat on a…

Paul Reiser

actor, comedian, writerBorn: 3/30/1957Birthplace: New York City Emmy Award winner Paul Reiser found little success in his first attempts as a stand-up comedian, so he started working at his father'…

Paul Simon

singer, guitarist, songwriterBorn: 10/13/1941Birthplace: Newark, New Jersey Grammy Award-winning singer, guitarist and songwriter best known for being half of the folk-rock duo Simon and Garfunkel…

Paul Attanasio

screenwriter Screenwriter whose Oscar-nominated films include Quiz Show (1994) and Donnie Brasco (1997). He also wrote Disclosure (1994) and Sphere (1998).

Paul Mazursky

(Irwin Mazursky)producer, director, screenwriter, actorBorn: 4/25/1930Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York This versatile filmmaker debuted as an actor in Stanley Kubrick's first film, Fear and Desire (…

Paul Molitor

Born: Aug. 22, 1956Baseball DH-1B All-America SS at Minnesota in 1976; spent 15 years with Milwaukee, then 3 each with Toronto and Minnesota; led Blue Jays to 2nd straight World Series title as MVP…